
New Ideas for a Tradtional

Definitely a different take on your typical colonial home,  Matthew Cunningham chose to surprise us taking a modern approach to this renovation, one the average designer might not make

Instead of the typical overly detailed overly landscape design most would have done, Cunningham went ahead and stripped down the entire design to a clean basic look. 

Allowing the mature surrounding landscape to take center stage and adding at best minimal amenities such as a simple rectangular pool and spa, as well as a paired down bar unit and sitting area.

Stone walks and patio, simply laid, reinforce the whole minimal look.

I love the way the simple gate and fencing revert back to the dark shutters.....most would have opted to keep it safe with a white or at best cream fence.

In a perfect world it is always a good idea to situate the pool area a comfortable distance from the entry. You want to be able to walk into a yard and not feel as though you are right on top of the pool. From looking at the site plan this was not possible.
Positioning the simple trellis parallel to the pool serves to strengthen the design
.....a wonderful choice , wouldn't you say?

Not sure how I would have handled the bar unit and step system but do like the convenience of the cooking it right outside the door, tucked away, as well as not in the line of site from inside. 
So often I look out of wonderfully decorated room to the backs of barbecue system.

When designing a small pool layout, try to position the steps to the side as Cunningham has done in this pool. 
Long stadium steps are classic but only if you have the room. Side position steps with a bench running along one long length will still allow for swimming laps, and seating. Keep in mind steps usually can take from 4'-5' of swimming lane if not positioned right.

Let's open up a conversation on this post and design. Would love to hear your feed back and ideas on this "new idea " on a traditional. 


Don't forget to sign up for the end of month drawing!

If you would like to add a more Classical  feel to your garden please contact me for further information at mwhite8410@gmail.com


Ringing In The New Year

Though I have not posted  as much as I would have liked to, 
wanted to,
 planned to,
 and wished to this year,
 it has been a GREAT design year for me.

Not only was I able to offer E-Designs, I was able to juggle and design both in New York 
and in France.

Along the way I met some of the nicest clients a designer could have hoped for,
 making this year all the more rewarding. 
Your comments and suggestions as well as friendships have been a big part of why I continue, 
and I thank you all for sharing with me and for being a part of my year.

I am looking forward to the new year with a
 renewed sense of purpose as well as a
New Blog Format.
 We will be exploring new and upcoming designers,
 new design styles, 
and some new and old design theories.
 New plants available at market as well as new products I have been working with this past year, will also be included.

 A New Web Site,  
Question and Answer Column 
 Newsletter & Reader's Gardens
will also be included.
 Book and garden accessory 
will happen at the end of each month for those who have joined the site, so do sign on and leave a comment.

 Making 2015 a year to remember.

Wishing you health,
 creative genius,
 and love,  for the coming year.
