
Hydrangeas Demystified

 Looking out at yet another snow day here in the Northeast it is has become truly difficult for me to keep my sanity let alone my sense of humor.  I am just not a snow person and the older I get the less amused I am. 

  I so long for Spring and to get started on the renovation of our rear property line.  Over the years things have died from one misfortune or another and well "it is time", "no excuses", just "do it". 
What I have in mind, rather than replace the last of the standing White Pine, will be to add Hollies as well as Hydrangeas all contained within a curving hedge of Boxwood.
 But which Hydrangea to use?  I love so many and want to keep the design as simple and elegant as possible.......... I have always favored mass plantings of a single variety, I feel it adds to the strength of the design and in turn lets the structure of the plan take center stage......

So once again  Proven Winners   to the rescue.  They have a wonderful site as well as charts on which, what and where, and  never  disappoint.  Not only are they a great source for Hydrangeas but any flowering shrub as well as perennials and annuals.  A great go to source for the novice gardener as well as someone more experienced.  Time and again I have specified Proven Winners  to clients for not only a great plant, but an easy to navigate informative website.

and now to decide on the Hydrangea..........


  1. I also love Hydrangea, Maryanne. It is a challenge for me to find the one that does well in our heat, but I have a heavily shaded patio off one of the bedrooms, which is quite large, and I'm hoping this spring to get some new ones started. I'm going over to check out the site you recommended. Sending a big hug.

    1. Hi Marsha, the area sounds suitable, but you might want to try some soil amendments as well. Hydrangeas seem to have a difficult time in alkaline soils, as well as alkaline water. By adding sphagnum peat moss to the soil as well as a pine bark mulch this will help with the soil ph. Looking forward to a great hydrangea blog this summer from you.

  2. hi Mary Anne - thanks so much for coming by my blog and for your kind comment. I am enjoying your photos of snow presented in a positive way. It has lost its charm for me after three months of shoveling with no end in sight!
