
A Filler No Garden Should Be Without

Nepeta or better yet, Catmint makes for a wonderful filler plant



Non - Invasive

May to September 

Sun to Partial Shade

Grey Green Aromatic Leaves

Purple , Lavender, White Blooms 

Great companion plant for Lambs Ear, Hosta and Iris

Bee Friendly

Shearing flower spikes after initial bloom will help promote continual blooming

Grey green leaves work exceptionally well with all the yellows

Softens hardscapes as well as defines them.

                               Works as an informal hedge

NEPETA Culture

Nepeta, who's common name is Catmint, easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Prefers cool, moist soils. In northern areas, site plants in full sun. In the deep South, site plants in areas with some light afternoon shade. Plants may be cut back before first flowering to promote more compact size.

Height: 1.00 to 2.00 feet

Spread: 1.50 to 3.00 feet
Bloom Time: May to September
Bloom Description: Blue/violet
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Dry to medium
Maintenance: Low
Flower: Showy
Leaf: Fragrant
Tolerate: Deer, Drought, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil, Air Pollution

If you would like to add a more Classical feel to your garden please contact me for further information at mwhite8410@gmail.com


  1. Looks like something that would fit into my garden well, however you haven't given the name of the plant. although I've seen it I don't know what it's called.

  2. Maryanne, I presume the plant you are referring to is lavender although I am not positive. Is it? And what is that wonderful white flowered plant in the second picture? Your photography is just gorgeous and makes me want to visit every garden you feature.

    1. Nancy all the photos are Nepeta, common name Catmint

  3. I must have missed the name somewhere. It is beautiful and I would love to grow it. What is it?

  4. Does this plant have a name or is it a type of lavender? Whatever it is, I need it. Also, any tips for keeping my stachys lanata compact and looking as good as your pics?

    1. I have always cut mine back...I actually don't like the little yellow flower stalk...a good sheering once a year works wonders.I also know they do not like standing water and will rot if water sits on the base of the leaves....some plants do much better with a bubbler type device installed on their sprinkler heads..

  5. Love the photos, but I didn't see the name of this plant you are featuring.

  6. One of my favorites...What is it ?


    WOW WOW WOW I cant believe I actually left the name out!!! My mom had a stroke last week and is holding her own right now. With working fulltime, and running back and forth to the hospital, my brain is a bit over taxed to say the least. So sorry and thanks so much for bringing it to my attention.

  8. Hi Maryanne, so very sorry to hear about your mom. All the best to her...and to you and your poor tired brain. I know how that goes.
    I love nepeta to pieces. It really is practically bullet proof. I used it, with lamb's ears, in a recent garden I designed and installed in Oxfordshire. The thing about this garden was the owner wanted to keep it organic and it backs onto a grain field, which is all terribly bucolic and beautiful, but the entire population of slugs and snails rather see the garden as their buffet. They even ate the leaves of a plum tree from a branch which was touching the ground, but they left the nepeta completely alone. And, bonus, the owner's three cats love it to pieces. Wonderful plant. So much for the money. X

    1. Hi Veronica, and thank you for your concern. As for organic gardens, I am convinced we can not have it all...all of the time. Good to know about them not eating the Nepeta. Ours does wonderfully here as well in France except for the occasional depression smack in the middle of the plants..due to a very content neighbors cat.
      Best wishes, and anytime you care to post some of your work feel free to contact me. M.

  9. Yeah, I knew if I waited a day someone else would ask the question and all would be revealed!

    Warmest thoughts to your mom. And to you. It's a tough time.


  10. So sorry to hear about your mom. Take care of yourself too as you care for her..Best thoughts to you.

  11. ha ha ha, love the title. pure catnip, but you knew that.

    thanks for the reminder, need to put catnip back on my radar.

    saw it used across europe during my historic garden study tours.

    xo t

  12. I couldn't agree more. My yard is filled with it. My favorite is nepeta faasseni, but six hills giant does well forq me as well.

  13. I'm very sorry for your mother, Maryanne. Thank you for the tips of using Catmint. I have it in our garden, but haven't appreciated it enough I think. I could be used like lavender which doesn't grow so well here in Finland.


  14. I love the catmint as well but with some experience at my conditions and no much time to weed I decided to move rather to shrubs.

  15. lf way up the windows, and oh boy does this look great.
    This year it Cat mint for sure. yvonne

  16. I like the look of the cat mint along the wall.
    What was the dark blue flower?
    Pretty and informative post.

  17. Wonderful Nepeta! I love the name and ofcourse the flower itself. Ah! That's so lovely.
