
A tree blooms in winter

From a distance Hamamelis x intermedia commonly known as Witch Hazel 
can easily be mistaken for Forsythia in the late winter landscape, 
a closer look reveals tiny bursts of color.

Fragrant fringed petals of yellow, pink & red burst open in late winter along bare branches
Just like Forsythia, Witch Hazel cuttings can be forced to bloom indoors
hamemlis Diane
Copper Witch Hazel  "Jelena"

"Firedance" , with its burgandy evergreen leaves
Glowing embers a delicate yellow
"Diana" a red variety 
With spring & summer Witch Hazel fades to the background and so it is best planted 
among spring & summer flowering shrubs
Come autumn the shrub will once again come to life with a display of yellow and orange foliage
Witch Hazel an understory tree in the wild will give the best flower display 
planted in an acid soil in full sun.
Planting Zones: 5, 6, 7, 8
Plant Type: Deciduous
Light requirements: Partial Sun, Shade
Soil Conditions: Moist
Height at Maturity: 10 - 20 ft
Growth Rate: Slow
Fruiting: Yes
Flowering: Yes
Bloom Color: Yellow
Fragrant: Yes
Bloom Season: Fall, Winter 

and "Yes", the astringent we know as "Witch-Hazel" comes from the bark of this 
glorious winter bloomer
images via flicker & pinterest


  1. How nice to find a blog like yours. I love the Witch-Hazel I think that's a must for my garden. I've looked at some of your lovely pictures and they've given me lots of inspiration, so I'm looking forward to following your posts.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
    I'm a great lover of hanging baskets.

  2. That is so sweet of you thank you! I have joined your site as well...as I split my time here in NY and France it is always nice to meet more "transplants" I laughed when I read your comment about your husband and his learning french....I do exactly the same thing!!!
    I will keep in mind the hanging baskets an will suprise you one day.
    Best wishes Maryanne
