
The Strength of One

All the images in today's post, though totally different in style and feel have one basic thing in common,

 A strong statement created by using one plant repeatedly throughout the design.  

Not a design concept for everyone, most clients prefer more variety in the plant material, but on a large plot, I will many times recommend this. The repetition of  the same plant, color or texture throughout the design  helps to strenghten and add drama to a garden that sometimes may be lacking. Plants chosen most often for the job, grasses, boxwood, and lavenders, but a mass planting of dwarf buddleia, knockout roses or even hosta if budget is an issue would also work


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I went on to see your post as well...love it, and have joined.

  2. Such a beautiful post! Now, to put some of this into my own garden plans for spring.

    1. Thanks Melissa, if you have any questions or if I can help in any way please feel free to contact me.

  3. Love your posts, they always have great concepts and photos. I wish I could sign in as other than anonymous, but that seems to be the only option as an individual without an account or website.

  4. Anonymous, I thank you in any event, glad you enjoy my posts.
