
Wisteria in Bloom

image via pinterest

I had all good intentions of saving this photo for another time, but the more I looked at it the more I felt why not go for it now. Could it be any more beautiful, and are you aware that more than one type of wisteria exists? The two most popular being Japanese wisteria and Chinese wisteria.

Japanese wisteria as shown above,  grows to a height of about 25 feet, with flower clusters ( racemes )  12" - 18" long. Individual flowers open gradually starting at the base  of the cluster ending at the tip along with the emerging leaves. 

The more popular Chinese wisteria grows to approximately 25 feet as well, but with the flower clusters opening all at once and blooming before the foliage has emerged. Both can be found in a variety of colors from white to deep purple, both are deciduous, and both require a high phosphorus fertilizer to encourage blooms.

If planting, I suggest purchasing an older plant that has already flowered at least two seasons. Wisteria do take longer than some other plants to establish a flowering cycle and if purchased too young may take several years in your garden before the show begins.


  1. You 've well done to post this heavenly image!I can use it for my screan, I think it's allowed!
    Nice blog, nice to meet you!

    1. Nice meeting you as well and for introducing me to your blog. Greece is one of my favorite places to escape to. The sun, the sea,the food, it all works!
      Your photos are stunning examples of all the beauty there.

  2. Call me a beotian but I had never seen white wisteria before ! I love them though !x

    1. Maybe because the white has not been used as much. I think now with all the popularity of white gardens,we will be seeing more.

  3. Beautiful, the scent must be heavenly!

  4. Dear Maryanne, thank you for your lovely comment today on Cindy's blog...I planted Snow Showers Japanese wisteria several years ago, and finally last Spring was rewarded with two racemes....I was beyond hopeful wondering what this year would bring...waiting patiently...there's that word again! I think a white flowering wisteria in one's garden would be the ultimate! N.xo

  5. Nella, it has always been one of my favorites, along with white lilacs.
