Bloom-a-thon, Boomerang, Lo-& Behold, Oso Easy, Blue Moon,
Rebloomers, Cycle Bloomers, Repeaters, All-season Bloomers.
When designing, I tend to be a bit of a "purist", which leads me to the question of whether or not a garden should be designed and plants chosen to celebrate a particular season, then have these plants gracefully bow out, allowing the next season to take hold,..........Or............... should caution be thrown to the wind, and a repeat bloomer be chosen instead, extending their blooming season and be allowing them to mingle among the next seasons blooms?

All above photos, just a small sample of the available repeat bloomers available in nurseries today.
all images pinterest
I'm a fan of repeat bloomers simply because annual bedding flowers can get costly. It's nice to have some repeat bloomers to fill in with some color amongst the fresh annual bedding.